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  • Automate Fastmail static website deployments with Hugo, Rclone and GitHub Actions

    Apparently, if you’re a Fastmail* user, you can host a static Hugo website using WebDav and GitHub Actions and the file storage capabilities that come with your Fastmail account.

    • Affiliate link $10 off first year.
  • I moved our company development Wiki from Azure DevOps into Obsidian Publish. With local markdown and one-click publishing, it’s been the solution that stuck with us. My company gladly paid for the commercial license and the Publish service.

  • Auto Dark Mode with CSS @media Query prefers-color-scheme

    If you want your site to automatically switch between light and dark themes based on the visitor’s system settings, you can use a @media query and the prefers-color-scheme feature.

    :root {
      --color-background: #eee;
      --color-text: #000;
    @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
      :root {
        --color-background: #333;
        --color-text: #eee;
    body {
      color: var(--color-text);
      background-color: var(--color-background);

    Updated January 2, 2024 to use :root pseudo-class.